Marketing Tip: Exploit your strengths and improve your weaknesses
It's important when you start working online
to identify wich are your strengts and weaknesses.
For example maybe you're a good writer then
you should think about blogging, or writting
an ebook. Or you could be a good salesman, then
you could lookinto affiliate marketing. If you're
a great networker Multi Level Marketing could be
an exelent option to you. Let's say you lack all
this skills, then taking surveys, viewing ads or
reading mails could be a good starting point for you.
Believe me, if you skip this step and go directly
to search the web for money making opportunities
you'll go trhough lots of frustration and dissapointment.
That's one of the reasons why most people who tries
to make money on the internet quit before they make
a dime, or even worse they have lost money instead
of making a good income stream.
Once you've defined what you're good at it'll be much
easier to chose a system that you know you'll be comfortable
with, instead of just blindly joining money making systems
you don't know if you'll be able to develop.
However this is just the starting point. No matter how
hard you try you won't be successful online unless you
manage to effectively develop your networking, advertising
and writing skills.If you think you can't manage to do this
then you're doomed to fail.
In conclusion, defining your strengts will tell you what
to search for, saving you time and money, wich you should
use to improve those areas you're not that good at. There'll
be hard times for sure, when they come, seek the help of others
and you'll eventually find the right answers, just don't give up.
Good luck.
Let´s talk about... - Who else wants free advertising? - http://instantblogsubscribers.com/vip/asolcam
Let´s talk about... - Who else wants free advertising? - http://instantblogsubscribers.com/vip/asolcam
Yes, i have an Instant Blog Subscribers blog.
Check it out
Make Money Online Viewing Ads
An easy way to make money online is trough Paid To Click Programs. All
you will need Is a PC and an internet connection to start working.
In these programs advertisers pay to the program owner to show their ads to members and members get paid to view these ads.
Advantages of paid to click programs.
The main disadvantage is that the income rate is slow in most cases. you will be paid about an average of $00.1 per ad view, wich means you'll have to view 100 ads per dollar earned, so the trick here is having a downline. Also most ads are showed only to upgraded members, free members most times will only be shown a few ads per day making it too hard to reach the pay out limit. This is because website owners preffer their ads to be shown to people who can make an online purchase, however the upgading fee is low in most cases. Let's take for example Clixsense wich upgrading fee is just $10 a year, less than one buck per month.
I woldn't call this programs as a home based bussiness, this programs might work for you if you're looking for an extra income as you won't need to have your own website or be an expert on internet marketing.If you want to stablish your home based bussiness you'll have to look for affiliate marketing or build your own website and your own product.
If you think this is good for you and want to give it a try i will recomend you this site:
These is one of the most trusted Paid to click programs and has been in this industry for several years.
If you use this programs plese leave your comments. If you have have questions post your comment or contact me.
In these programs advertisers pay to the program owner to show their ads to members and members get paid to view these ads.
Advantages of paid to click programs.
- You don't need to have a website to profit with these programs
- You don't need to be an internet marketing expert to earn money
- Free to join
- Slow income rate
- Most times you need to be an upgraded member to get real results
The main disadvantage is that the income rate is slow in most cases. you will be paid about an average of $00.1 per ad view, wich means you'll have to view 100 ads per dollar earned, so the trick here is having a downline. Also most ads are showed only to upgraded members, free members most times will only be shown a few ads per day making it too hard to reach the pay out limit. This is because website owners preffer their ads to be shown to people who can make an online purchase, however the upgading fee is low in most cases. Let's take for example Clixsense wich upgrading fee is just $10 a year, less than one buck per month.
I woldn't call this programs as a home based bussiness, this programs might work for you if you're looking for an extra income as you won't need to have your own website or be an expert on internet marketing.If you want to stablish your home based bussiness you'll have to look for affiliate marketing or build your own website and your own product.
If you think this is good for you and want to give it a try i will recomend you this site:
These is one of the most trusted Paid to click programs and has been in this industry for several years.
If you use this programs plese leave your comments. If you have have questions post your comment or contact me.
Home Based Business Opportunities In Times of Recession
Every year more and more people are looking at home based business
oportunities as a viable income stream. It's not surprising if you
consider the low cost, flexible working hours and tax benefits just
to list a few advantages.However this advatageshave been there
for a long time; so:
Why do so many people start their own home based business right now, and why wouldnetwork marketing be a good thing toconsider for so many others?
First of all there is the recession. Turn open any newspaper and you'll see articles oncompanies downsizing and laying off employees by the thousands.Network marketing offers people an oportunity to generate a part time auxiliary income, right beside their day job.
This kind of extra income has proven a great help to many families across the world.Of course many network marketers have made a living out of their business. Some ofthem have made fortunes. But this level of success, although available to anyone who is willing to do the work, will not be for most people. Most network marketers run apart time business for a small number of hours a week earning them a couple hundredbucks a month.
The cost of home office equipment has decreased considerably.Nowdays you could probably have your home office up and runing for just a couple hundred bucks. Somemay argue that you don't even need that much. Any computer with an internet connection and a phone would do well for most network marketers to manage their business.
This makes it affordable for everyone to start a home based business. Compared to thecost of operating a normal business it's evident why many people are being attracted to this business model.
And then there is the increasing lack of trust in the corporate world. In the near past years,people where used to having a lifetime job, unless they decided to quit. Nowadays many people have realized that job security is just a dream. Too many people have lost their jobs more than once only to discover out that they were just a number to their corporate employer.
Internet marketing not only offers people a opportunity to create some extra income,it alsoprovides them with the chance to regain some of their dignity. Helping them realize that they can reach financial freedom instead of depending on their employers paycheck. The support structures that many good Internet marketing companies offer are a great help to individuals joining this type of business. Not only will they receive the proper training on their company's products and services. They will also be educated on personal development
The advantages of a home based business are undenialble and in the near future we will certainly see more of it. Looking at today's economy unpredictability it doesn't take agenius to figure out that the times of monolithic companies offering jobs for life is over.It's time to have the courage to rely on yourself again and home based business is a good way to do so. And for those who decide to take this step, taking a serious look at network marketing is just common sense. Even in a time where common sense isn't that common anymore.
If you're thinking about a legitimate income oportunity but don't know where to start click on the link below to see my recomendation.
Start your home based business
It's important that you read the report,training is a critical part in building a solid home based business.
Why do so many people start their own home based business right now, and why wouldnetwork marketing be a good thing toconsider for so many others?
First of all there is the recession. Turn open any newspaper and you'll see articles oncompanies downsizing and laying off employees by the thousands.Network marketing offers people an oportunity to generate a part time auxiliary income, right beside their day job.
This kind of extra income has proven a great help to many families across the world.Of course many network marketers have made a living out of their business. Some ofthem have made fortunes. But this level of success, although available to anyone who is willing to do the work, will not be for most people. Most network marketers run apart time business for a small number of hours a week earning them a couple hundredbucks a month.
The cost of home office equipment has decreased considerably.Nowdays you could probably have your home office up and runing for just a couple hundred bucks. Somemay argue that you don't even need that much. Any computer with an internet connection and a phone would do well for most network marketers to manage their business.
This makes it affordable for everyone to start a home based business. Compared to thecost of operating a normal business it's evident why many people are being attracted to this business model.
And then there is the increasing lack of trust in the corporate world. In the near past years,people where used to having a lifetime job, unless they decided to quit. Nowadays many people have realized that job security is just a dream. Too many people have lost their jobs more than once only to discover out that they were just a number to their corporate employer.
Internet marketing not only offers people a opportunity to create some extra income,it alsoprovides them with the chance to regain some of their dignity. Helping them realize that they can reach financial freedom instead of depending on their employers paycheck. The support structures that many good Internet marketing companies offer are a great help to individuals joining this type of business. Not only will they receive the proper training on their company's products and services. They will also be educated on personal development
The advantages of a home based business are undenialble and in the near future we will certainly see more of it. Looking at today's economy unpredictability it doesn't take agenius to figure out that the times of monolithic companies offering jobs for life is over.It's time to have the courage to rely on yourself again and home based business is a good way to do so. And for those who decide to take this step, taking a serious look at network marketing is just common sense. Even in a time where common sense isn't that common anymore.
If you're thinking about a legitimate income oportunity but don't know where to start click on the link below to see my recomendation.
Start your home based business
It's important that you read the report,training is a critical part in building a solid home based business.
Stop Being A Victim Short Review
Hi friends
I just happend to find this ebook called Stop Beeng A Victim maybe you have seen it before while surfing the internet, maybe you have wondered if it´s whorth buying it. If so you might be interested in the next few lines.
As you may have figured out i´m just another guy trying to find a way to make some profit online. So i decided to start this blog, in which i´m trying to offer my readers useful articles, posting about things that could really help people to succeed.
Well i bought this ebook and after reading it i came to the conclusion that this is the kind of iformation i wish to offer you.
Stop Being a Victim is all about the must common strategies used by the "Big Guys" to reach your wallet and make you waste your money with false promisses about being rich online.
Since you start reading you will find honest information about all kind of tricks used to bribe you online, covering a wide variety of topics like, Launches and
Prelaunches,MatrixPrograms,HYIPS (High Yield
Investment Programs)
;Guaranteed Signups and the list goes on and on and on.
Even so this doesn´t mean you won´t get results with some of this programs, but reading this ebook you will know all the truth about them, you´´ll be aware of the things you aren´t told when you make your purchase, and that will highly increase your capability of chosing the option that more adjusted to your needs and your expense budget.
Another reason why i tell you this ebook is absolutely worth your money is that it´s not another report fully loaded with affiliate links to lure you into joining the autor´s programs.
It´s a very complete 50 pages PDF with pure information, not a single link for you to click and buy before you have even read the the half part of the document, just information for you to learn.
In conclusion, i really recomend you to buy and read this ebook before you decide to spent on another program that possibly won´t be made for you. Look at it as a reference point, to get started online and build your bisiness while you protect your pocket.
As i always say this is merely my personal opinion, and you might as well desagree to my words, however; if wish to buy the ebook you may use the link provided below.
Stop Being A Victim
Thanks for your visit and please post your comments about this entry.
Alexis Solano.
con referencia a:
I just happend to find this ebook called Stop Beeng A Victim maybe you have seen it before while surfing the internet, maybe you have wondered if it´s whorth buying it. If so you might be interested in the next few lines.
As you may have figured out i´m just another guy trying to find a way to make some profit online. So i decided to start this blog, in which i´m trying to offer my readers useful articles, posting about things that could really help people to succeed.
Well i bought this ebook and after reading it i came to the conclusion that this is the kind of iformation i wish to offer you.
Stop Being a Victim is all about the must common strategies used by the "Big Guys" to reach your wallet and make you waste your money with false promisses about being rich online.
Since you start reading you will find honest information about all kind of tricks used to bribe you online, covering a wide variety of topics like, Launches and
Investment Programs)
;Guaranteed Signups and the list goes on and on and on.
Even so this doesn´t mean you won´t get results with some of this programs, but reading this ebook you will know all the truth about them, you´´ll be aware of the things you aren´t told when you make your purchase, and that will highly increase your capability of chosing the option that more adjusted to your needs and your expense budget.
Another reason why i tell you this ebook is absolutely worth your money is that it´s not another report fully loaded with affiliate links to lure you into joining the autor´s programs.
It´s a very complete 50 pages PDF with pure information, not a single link for you to click and buy before you have even read the the half part of the document, just information for you to learn.
In conclusion, i really recomend you to buy and read this ebook before you decide to spent on another program that possibly won´t be made for you. Look at it as a reference point, to get started online and build your bisiness while you protect your pocket.
As i always say this is merely my personal opinion, and you might as well desagree to my words, however; if wish to buy the ebook you may use the link provided below.
Stop Being A Victim
Thanks for your visit and please post your comments about this entry.
Alexis Solano.
con referencia a:
"What Can You Get For Five Bucks?"
- What Can you Get For Five Dollars? (ver en Google Sidewiki)
A Few Things You Need To know About Manual Traffic Exchanges
Hi friends
Are you using traffic exchanges to increase you website traffic? Are you getting results with them?Probably your answer is no. If that´s the case you should wonder why. What am I doing wrong? Traffic exchanges can be very effective if you use them properly.I´ve been using traffic exchanges’ for some time and I’m getting some results. Most times the problem isn´t in traffic exchanges but in the way you use them.
There are some basic principles for succeeding with TE´s. First of all I recommend you to build your downline. No matter how much time you spend surfing for credits on a TE, to maximize your results you´ll need other people generating passive traffic for you. For example in my case i use 5 traffic exchanges, which means I can promote a lot of pages at a time, so I use at least one page to promote another traffic exchange in each traffic exchange this way I promote whatever i’m promoting and build my traffic exchanges downline at the same time. Another effective way to get referrals is using downline builders and traffic exchange tools, which make it easier to manage all your traffic exchanges. Now let´s move on to my next recommendation.
Use splash pages instead of trying to promote your sales page directly.Why? Just think about it for a moment. Imagine you are surfing your favorite traffic exchange and suddenly a site with about 5 to 10 pages of an unending bla, bla, bla, is displayed. Would you take the time to stop reading the whole thing even knowing your losing valuable credits? I personally would not. Splash pages where designed to be used in traffic exchanges because: Splash pages are loaded way faster than a whole website, this way you don’t have to worry about your prospects leaving before your site has been displayed on the browser. Splash pages are usually strategically designed to capture the “surfer’s” attention, this pages must be colorful, with subtle headlines, short descriptions about your products benefits ( remember to focus your advertisement on your products benefits, not on the product itself ) and finally an invitation to take an action ( you know that “CLICK HERE” or “YES, TELL ME” you usually see on this pages )
Splash pages will work well for you if you for example want to anonymously promote affiliate programs, or just building a downline at some program. Most affiliate programs provide you with their own hosted splash pages so the only thing you´ll have to do is promoting the link provided to you. But; what if you´re trying to build your own business?
Then you´ll need more than just sending your prospects to the product’s owner website and receiving a commission for your sale, you´ll need to turn that prospect into a costumer, someone that will continue to receive your services even after the initial sale has been made, you´ll need an opt-in list. That´s right, a whole mailing list with people waiting to receive whatever you have to offer them. But we´ll talk about that later, for now let me tell you a way to turn your traffic exchange into a list building site.
Simply use squeeze pages, a squeeze page is basically the same as a splash page, except that for squeeze pages you´ll need to input an autoresponder form so you can collect your subscriber’s email addresses. As I said before splash pages were more likely to try to make a sale, but; how should a squeeze page be conformed? Remember you aren´t selling anything here, you are offering an uninterested service. Offering free stuff like a free report or that kind of things is the key here, make sure you´re offering good quality items, getting someone to fill in the blanks with a free gift may be easy, but getting them to trust you enough to stay with you is a different thing. Remember that your squeeze pages must have your own autoresponder form, otherwise you´ll be building someone else’s list not yours. Well that´s enough about all this email marketing stuff for now.
Another thing you most have in mind is to make full use of all the advertising tools each traffic exchange gives you. Don’t limit yourself to surf for credits, use banners and text links if available. Even though you might think it´s useless all traffic sources are important. At last another option you should seriously consider is upgrading your membership. Obviously upgraded members obtain more benefits; which means more traffic, more commissions for your referrals (if your TE offers referrals commissions) and less time to spend surfing for traffic. But don’t hesitate, even if you can´t afford an upgraded membership at the moment, the free option will be fine, if you work wisely, but it´ll be a little slower that’s all.
Fine I think that’s all I can tell you about it at the moment. I hope this information helps you to succeed. I´m just an average guy trying to make some bucks online, and as for my experience till now; I can tell you there’s no such thing as get rich fast program, but; it´s absolutely possible to earn some money online with the right tools, guidance and hard work.
I´ll list below the links to the TE´s and programs i’m using which has given me good results. I make this recommendation based on my own experience, feel free to explore them as an option but remember you can get results with any program if you work properly.
Good luck:
Alexis Solano
Traffic exchanges Traffic Splash, Traffic Witch, Startxchage, I love hits, Dragon Surf
Downline Builders and Tools
Traffic Hoopla, Traffic Exchange Toolbox, Affiliate Funnel, Traffic Exchange Command Post, Instant Splash, WidgetQuik
Trafficwave.net unlimited autoresponders
Are you using traffic exchanges to increase you website traffic? Are you getting results with them?Probably your answer is no. If that´s the case you should wonder why. What am I doing wrong? Traffic exchanges can be very effective if you use them properly.I´ve been using traffic exchanges’ for some time and I’m getting some results. Most times the problem isn´t in traffic exchanges but in the way you use them.
There are some basic principles for succeeding with TE´s. First of all I recommend you to build your downline. No matter how much time you spend surfing for credits on a TE, to maximize your results you´ll need other people generating passive traffic for you. For example in my case i use 5 traffic exchanges, which means I can promote a lot of pages at a time, so I use at least one page to promote another traffic exchange in each traffic exchange this way I promote whatever i’m promoting and build my traffic exchanges downline at the same time. Another effective way to get referrals is using downline builders and traffic exchange tools, which make it easier to manage all your traffic exchanges. Now let´s move on to my next recommendation.
Use splash pages instead of trying to promote your sales page directly.Why? Just think about it for a moment. Imagine you are surfing your favorite traffic exchange and suddenly a site with about 5 to 10 pages of an unending bla, bla, bla, is displayed. Would you take the time to stop reading the whole thing even knowing your losing valuable credits? I personally would not. Splash pages where designed to be used in traffic exchanges because: Splash pages are loaded way faster than a whole website, this way you don’t have to worry about your prospects leaving before your site has been displayed on the browser. Splash pages are usually strategically designed to capture the “surfer’s” attention, this pages must be colorful, with subtle headlines, short descriptions about your products benefits ( remember to focus your advertisement on your products benefits, not on the product itself ) and finally an invitation to take an action ( you know that “CLICK HERE” or “YES, TELL ME” you usually see on this pages )
Splash pages will work well for you if you for example want to anonymously promote affiliate programs, or just building a downline at some program. Most affiliate programs provide you with their own hosted splash pages so the only thing you´ll have to do is promoting the link provided to you. But; what if you´re trying to build your own business?
Then you´ll need more than just sending your prospects to the product’s owner website and receiving a commission for your sale, you´ll need to turn that prospect into a costumer, someone that will continue to receive your services even after the initial sale has been made, you´ll need an opt-in list. That´s right, a whole mailing list with people waiting to receive whatever you have to offer them. But we´ll talk about that later, for now let me tell you a way to turn your traffic exchange into a list building site.
Simply use squeeze pages, a squeeze page is basically the same as a splash page, except that for squeeze pages you´ll need to input an autoresponder form so you can collect your subscriber’s email addresses. As I said before splash pages were more likely to try to make a sale, but; how should a squeeze page be conformed? Remember you aren´t selling anything here, you are offering an uninterested service. Offering free stuff like a free report or that kind of things is the key here, make sure you´re offering good quality items, getting someone to fill in the blanks with a free gift may be easy, but getting them to trust you enough to stay with you is a different thing. Remember that your squeeze pages must have your own autoresponder form, otherwise you´ll be building someone else’s list not yours. Well that´s enough about all this email marketing stuff for now.
Another thing you most have in mind is to make full use of all the advertising tools each traffic exchange gives you. Don’t limit yourself to surf for credits, use banners and text links if available. Even though you might think it´s useless all traffic sources are important. At last another option you should seriously consider is upgrading your membership. Obviously upgraded members obtain more benefits; which means more traffic, more commissions for your referrals (if your TE offers referrals commissions) and less time to spend surfing for traffic. But don’t hesitate, even if you can´t afford an upgraded membership at the moment, the free option will be fine, if you work wisely, but it´ll be a little slower that’s all.
Fine I think that’s all I can tell you about it at the moment. I hope this information helps you to succeed. I´m just an average guy trying to make some bucks online, and as for my experience till now; I can tell you there’s no such thing as get rich fast program, but; it´s absolutely possible to earn some money online with the right tools, guidance and hard work.
I´ll list below the links to the TE´s and programs i’m using which has given me good results. I make this recommendation based on my own experience, feel free to explore them as an option but remember you can get results with any program if you work properly.
Good luck:
Alexis Solano
Traffic exchanges Traffic Splash, Traffic Witch, Startxchage, I love hits, Dragon Surf
Downline Builders and Tools
Traffic Hoopla, Traffic Exchange Toolbox, Affiliate Funnel, Traffic Exchange Command Post, Instant Splash, WidgetQuik
Trafficwave.net unlimited autoresponders
Mark Austin´s Resell Rights Weekly
Resell Rights Weekly is a great resource for those who are interested in Resell rights and Private Label Rights products.With your free membership you´ll get instant access to a huge vault of more than 10 000 PLR articles
for you to download at no cost.Plus you´ll receive two weekly free downloads of high quality new digital products with either Private Label Rights or Resell Rights.¿what´s so especial about this site?
Well, not only you´ll get a resource of downloadable items for you to resell, you´ll also have good support and training about PLR/RR marketing. If you have any questions you can make use of the site forum or blog where you´ll find complete information about RR/PLR marketing, so if you´re new in this you will easily find your way around.
Also you´ll have acces to more than 300 free tools to help you build your business.
So this are the benefits:
- Two free downloads weekly
- PLR to special reports,E-books,articles, templates, software,audios,videos and more.
- Free access to Resell rights weekly marketing forum and blog
- Free tools for you to build your business
that you visit this site take a look around and judge for yourself if it fits your needs.
Resell Rights Weekly
Alexis Solano
San José, Costa Rica.
Website Tester
I just found a this new site.
This New Business will be launched in September 1st., 2010.
A Market Research Company bases in Las Vegas, NV - USA is
searching for internet users all over the world who will get
paid for testing websites and giving a short opinion.
You also earn through everyone around the world who joins after you !
The more people join your team the more your passive income will grow starting in September.
Starting end of July you can choose your fields of interest and languages for website testing. The more choices you make the more jobs will be offered to you.
From September 1st there will be the first job offers.
Right now the site is in pre-launch, so it´s the proper time to build your downline.
If you´re interested in taking advantage of this oportunity, feel free to look around using this link
Remember that you also earn through everyone around the world who joins after you, not only the ones that you refer, so the sooner you secure your position, there´ll be more people under you, and this will increase your passive income oportunity

Affiliate Funnel Is A Different Way Of Thinking When It Comes To Downline Building
Downline building has been around since the beginning of the internet. The offer is very exciting, let people know about your product or service, refer a few folks and presto, you are on your way to massive success. What's the problem with this scenario though?
Simple, downline building isn't as effective as it once was years ago. Sure there are people making lots of money online using their downlines and affiliate marketing strategies but during the past few years a change has been taking place.
It's called the marketing funnel and if you think of the pyramid look of a 'downline', flip it!
Here's how it works. Get as many people as you can into the top of your funnel and funnel them down into paying customers. Start with a free front end product or service and then let your marketing turn those free leads into paying customers and clients.
Affiliate Funnel is a service that does this plus so much more. It is an all in one business hub that shows you how to properly promote online using the best free resources around and channel these leads into a thriving downline. This is the power of a well put together marketing funnel, taking leads and turning them into clients.
Affiliate Funnel is owned by two guys who have build massive six figure businesses using free resources and their own marketing funnel. Paul Kinder and Jon Olson have put their experience in a bottle and packaged it for anyone to check out for free

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